Accreditation & Partnerships

Alberta Bible College is committed to your education, and its usefulness to the church and society we live in, as well as its recognition by the larger academic community. Our partners are very important to us and to our students. Here are the groups we are currently affiliated with:

  • The Government of Alberta, by a special act of incorporation, granted Alberta Bible College a charter to grant degrees, diplomas, and certificates;
  • Alberta Bible College is accredited with Association of Biblical Higher Education (ABHE);
  • The Canada Student Loans Plan recognizes Alberta Bible College as a designated institution;
  • Most Canadian Bible Colleges have accepted Alberta Bible College credit transfer;
  • Most seminaries and Christian graduate schools in Canada and the United States have accepted Alberta Bible College degrees as meeting their entrance requirements;
  • Various Canadian universities have granted transfer of credit for certain ABC courses.

Board of Trustees

Chris Kobe


chairman of the board

Cam Pelham

Calgary, AB

vice chair of the board

Hope Pawlak

Calgary, ab


Blair Cameron

Calgary, AB


Duff Crerar

grand prairie, ab

Joe Murphy

calgary, ab

Megan Klein

Calgary, ab

John Gerber

Vavenby, BC

Sadiku Yesufu

calgary, ab

Chris Fong

Calgary, ab

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